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11-18-21 Minutes

November 18, 2021

As permitted under the Governor's Executive Order N-25-20, dated March 12, 2020 due to concerns of COVID-19 ("Executive Order"), the members of the Board of Commissioners will participate in the meeting via a teleconference connection at locations that may be located outside of the Agency's jurisdiction. Such locations shall not be publicly disclosed, nor shall such locations be open to the public as is expressly authorized by the Executive Order.

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara met in regular session on November 18, 2021, via teleconference. Chair Pearson convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Upon roll call the following Commissioners were present: Lisa Knox-Burns, Robert Doyle, Henry Mercado, and James Pearson. Commissioner John Lizarraga was absent. Christian Alonso joined the meet at 5:04 p.m.

Also present were Bob Havlicek, Secretary/Executive Director, Irene Melton, Director of Finance, John Polanskey, Director of Housing Development, Sanford Riggs, Director of Operations, Irene Vejar, Director of Human Resources, and Nancy Wesoff, Director of Contract Administration and Compliance.


Jeremy Stone of Price, Postal and Parma was introduced.

No public comments were received.

MOTION by Commissioner Doyle, seconded by Commissioner Burns to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 21, 2021. All voted aye. Motion carried.

The Executive Director reported that a special meeting will be held on December 30, 2021, related to the Emergency Housing Vouchers.

He shared that Leda Martinez, Housing Program Specialist, will receive an award from the Veteran's Administration for her exemplary work with housing veterans.

The resident from the house fire at 127 Orange Ave. #7 is being treated at the USC Burn Center.

The Executive Director offered to answer any questions related to his written report.

MOTION by Commissioner Alonso, seconded by Commissioner Mercado to approve the operation and management reports. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2935
- Approval of Expenditure List as submitted, including meeting expenses. MOTION by Commissioner Doyle, seconded by Commissioner Alonso to adopt Resolution No. 2935. Irene Melton answered several questions to the satisfaction of the Board. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Burns reported that she had received information that Dignity Moves is planning placement of temporary units for homeless people on the future site of Jury Lofts. This report was informational only.

Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d) (2) Government Claim by Anell Hernandez.

The Board convened the closed session at 5:26 p.m.

Regular session resumed at 6:08 p.m.

No reportable action was taken in closed session.

DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF: Re: Letter of objection and request for abandonment of the Bailard housing project concept from the City of Carpinteria. A discussion ensued; staff will draft a response letter to the City of Carpinteria.

Resolution No. 2936 - Approving Harry's House Affordable Housing Project and authorizing the Executive Director of Designee to take all needed actions relative to entering into all agreements for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating Harry's House Affordable Housing Project. MOTION by Commissioner Alonso, seconded by Commissioner Doyle to adopt Resolution No. 2936. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2937 - Authorization to open bank accounts with Mechanics Bank or any other appropriate Financial Institution for Thompson Park Apartments. MOTION by Commissioner Burns, seconded by Commissioner Alonso to adopt Resolution No.2937. All voted aye. Motion Carried.

Resolution No. 2938-2940 - Recognition of Mary Domingos, Richard Gillespie, and Ryan Miller for 10 years of service. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolutions 2938-2940. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2941 - Recognition of Wanping (Helen) Tang for 15 years of service. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolution No. 2941.

Resolution No. 2942-2943 - Recognition of Gilberto Del Toro and Maylin Moore for 20 years of service. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolutions 2942-2943. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2944-2946 - Recognition of LeeAnn Evans, John Polanskey and Angelica Valentine for 25 years of service. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolutions 2944-2946. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2947-2948 - Recognition of Sheree Aulman and Beverly Negrete for 30 years of service. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolutions 2947-2948. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2949 - Approval of 2021 South County Payment Standards; Emergency Housing Vouchers only; effective December 1, 2021. MOTION by Commissioner Alonso, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolution No. 2949. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2950 - Adoption of Revised Utility Allowance Schedules for the Low Rent Public Housing Program. MOTION by Commissioner Mercado, seconded by Commissioner Burns to adopt Resolution No. 2950. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2951 - Adoption of Revised Utility Allowance Schedules for the Section Housing Choice Voucher Program. MOTION by Commissioner Doyle, seconded by Commissioner Alonso to adopt Resolution No. 2951. All voted aye. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 2952 - Approval to Write-Off Uncollectible Tenant Accounts Receivable for the period ended October 31, 2021. Irene Melton explained that an error was mand on the report and the correct amount of write off should be $3689.61. MOTION by Commissioner Burns, seconded by Commissioner Alonso to adopt Resolution No. 2952 with the corrected amount. All voted aye. Motion carried.


There being no further business to come before the Board, MOTION by Commissioner Doyle, seconded by Commissioner Mercado to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. All voted aye. Meeting adjourned.

James E. Pearson

Robert P. Havlicek, Jr.
Secretary/Executive Director